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Wellingtonians - Dump the Clutter or Buyer Feedback will be Brutal!

Aug 7

3 min read




Cluttered Kitchen

Want More Joy in Life?

I watched a fascinating documentary last week about a couple of guys who call themselves ‘the minimalists’.

They were travelling around the US talking about it, and the gist is they used to have lots and lots of ‘stuff’ and when they started letting go they felt freer and happier in their lives.  Basically, they went through an exercise saying ‘does this stuff add value to my life’ and most importantly ‘of being prepared to let go’.  Plot spoiler they now don’t have any excess ‘stuff’, and the possessions that they do have left have some purpose and bring them joy.

Now, for those who are not selling a property, if you’re just looking for something to get into on a rainy day...and there are a lot of those right now…you could have a crack at this.  I’ve been taking a bag of stuff out of my house every week for a while and ‘letting go’.  It’s not easy but I’ve got to say that it does feel really good. 

But what has this got to do with real estate?

Clutter Eats Equity

There’s a saying in our business ‘CLUTTER EATS EQUITY’…and it does it like a ‘PAC-MAN’.

If you are looking to sell your property at some point, it’s essential you de-cutter and set up nice spaces that give a sense of spaciousness and show how your property can be enjoyed by your target buyers.  It’s one of the lowest cost things you can do that will massively increase how positive people are about your property and what they feel it is worth.

How Much Decluttering is Enough?

Now…having been in real estate for 15 years I’ve seen it all.  I’ve seen someone pack up and take 110 boxes of stuff out of their house…the standing record...

I remember going to one house and the lady asked me as I walked in ‘what can I do’?   I said de-cluttering….there was loads of silverware and knickknacks everywhere and stuff on every surface and the house was quite compact. 

Hearing this brought a crumbling look on her face as she said ‘but I’ve been doing that for 3 weeks’…and she pulled open drawers that were jam packed with stuff to show me all the stuff that was presumably previously on the same surfaces.  It can seem daunting and that’s where having someone independent and not emotionally involved can really help.

We stepped in and went room by room with a plan and helped her totally nail it, with a few re-visits to encourage and check progress along the way.  She got a fantastic sale result and moved to a new far larger house…and I imagine a better home for all the silverware and knickknacks to come back out.

At the other end of the extreme, I’ve also seen someone living so minimally on arrival…that they were probably leading minimalism as a lifestyle before the term was coined and became a movement.  I know this as buyers would stand there, look around and awkwardly say ‘um does anybody actually live here’ lol.  They didn’t need a decluttering plan…and instead needed some touches to soften the place up and make it look more inviting and lived in.  It did look big though I’ll say that.

And I’ve had clients that got stuck into decluttering and started to enjoy it so much that we were like whoa whoa slow down there’s going to be nothing left!

Practical Tips To Get Started

  • Maximise the perception of space in the home

  • Set-up defined areas in the property that showcase how it can be enjoyed 

  • Have simple, more minimal displays – think 1-3 things on a surface

  • Thin out bookshelves - get rid of all the excess books and cookbooks that are spilling off or are stacked on top

  • Take out excess furniture that’s eating up floor area

  • Think…simple, spacious and inviting

NOW…stand back, doesn’t that look more inviting and nicer? Plot spoiler…that’s what buyers think also - they can more easily see themselves living in it and enjoying it, and where their furnishings and belongings will go! 

If you want expert advice and a quick-fire action plan to follow get in touch and we can help you with that so that you’re on the right track. 

No fuss, no sales pitch, just service - or 027 518 0008).

Aug 7

3 min read